Discover the powerful technique for generating new customers on demand every single week just by sending out a 4 paragraph email to fellow small business owners.
Please Note:
There are only 97 Seats Available for this Workshop. Make sure you get in now to lock in your spot and be eligible for all of the bonuses.
What You're Getting Inside:
Part 1: Building the New Customer Machine from 10k Feet Up. You'll learn exactly how the system works and how you can start generating new customers with the system as early as next week (and why the flow of new sales never stops once you start).
Part 2: The Kinds of Small Businesses we Target with our Promos. You'll learn exactly what kinds of local businesses you need to target with this promotion to generate the most new customers at once (and why they refer tons of folks your way too).
Part 3: How we Collect the Contact info for our Weekly "Perks" Broadcast. You'll see exactly how we collect contact email for our weekly "New Customer Blast".
Part 4: The Magic "Perks Email Template". You're getting the 4 paragraph email template that we use to generate weekly new customers for all of our clients (this took 2 years to dial in but it's an absolute powerhouse for every business we've used it for since).
Part 5: The "Come Back Soon Machine" Strategy in Depth. You'll learn exactly how we ensure that each of the "perks" customers comes back and pays fulls price next time (while getting instant referrals to their friend group).
[Advanced Only] How to Make $300/month for every client you sign up for the "Perks Email" Service.
[Advanced Only] How to Connect with potential clients and get them to say yes immediately.
[Advanced Only] How to get everything done in 1 hour a month (for all of your clients).
[Advanced Only] How to turn the "Ultimate New Customer Machine" into a $5k/month Recurring Income Stream.
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Please Note:
There are only 97 Seats Available for this Workshop. Make sure you get in now to lock in your spot and be eligible for all of the bonuses.
What You're Getting Inside:
Part 1: Building the New Customer Machine from 10k Feet Up. You'll learn exactly how the system works and how you can start generating new customers with the system as early as next week (and why the flow of new sales never stops once you start).
Part 2: The Kinds of Small Businesses we Target with our Promos. You'll learn exactly what kinds of local businesses you need to target with this promotion to generate the most new customers at once (and why they refer tons of folks your way too).
Part 3: How we Collect the Contact info for our Weekly "Perks" Broadcast. You'll see exactly how we collect contact email for our weekly "New Customer Blast".
Part 4: The Magic "Perks Email Template". You're getting the 4 paragraph email template that we use to generate weekly new customers for all of our clients (this took 2 years to dial in but it's an absolute powerhouse for every business we've used it for since).
Part 5: The "Come Back Soon Machine" Strategy in Depth. You'll learn exactly how we ensure that each of the "perks" customers comes back and pays fulls price next time (while getting instant referrals to their friend group).
[Advanced Only] How to Make $300/month for every client you sign up for the "Perks Email" Service.
[Advanced Only] How to Connect with potential clients and get them to say yes immediately.
[Advanced Only] How to get everything done in 1 hour a month (for all of your clients).
[Advanced Only] How to turn the "Ultimate New Customer Machine" into a $5k/month Recurring Income Stream.
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